Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have entered the blogosphere. I credit Lindsay Redd (insert married name here) with my introduction.

So today the baby and I got diagnosed with Thrush. It is an infection associated with breastfeeding, and to not go into the too much information category, we'll just leave it at that. If you want to know more you can look it up on Wikipedia. I have to take antibiotics for three weeks and then it should be gone - thank heavens! It's painful! And it may be causing the baby to be more fussy, we hope - we really really hope. Because that means once the antibiotics kick in its happy baby for us, instead of cranky baby who cries all the time. Cross your fingers!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhhhhh you started a blog, and i didn't even know!! all the pressure finally paid off! im going to comment on a newer post so you can see this! ahhh im soo happy!
