Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Special


In order to celebrate, Kenny and I took K3 trick-or-treating for the first time! We had a blast. And to chronicle our good time, I made a special Halloween video!

By the way, this video almost didn't happen. After finishing my masterpiece, I took a quick break before I rendered it. But when I opened back up the laptop all the clips, to my horror, were little red X's instead of clips. Distraught, I tried everything to get the clips back but to no avail. So I gave up. But then in a last ditch effort I tried just closing the program and opening it back up. Lo, and behold, this did the trick and the clips were back! I still can't explain it. But I'm happy it happened. And here it is:

Well I can tell you that we weren't gonna pass up an opportunity to dress up K3, even if he was too young to even know what was going on. But everyone there just loved K3 and thought he was so cute. And Ken and I got some candy out of the deal, so all-in-all I call it a raging success!
Later that night we also went to a little Halloween party with some people in our ward. Unfortunately, I don't really have any pictures. But I'm sure you can use your imagination.

As far as other things go, I can't help myself and go ahead and judge me, but I'm getting really excited for Christmas. And I've been getting excited for some time now. I'll admit that I've been doing the following: listening to Christmas carols AND singing them to the baby, planning Christmas activities, picking out presents, and just getting in a jolly ol' mood for the Christmas season. In fact, I've been doing this for months (much to Kenny's chagrin. But not the baby's -- I'm molding him into a Christmas-lover just like myself. And no one can stop me!) And for all those of you who find celebrating Christmas 4 months early ridiculous, all I have to say is: Scrooge! Go spread your Christmas hate somewhere else. In fact, take this:


In other news, Kenny's school is starting to heat up. This month is gonna be killer as his classes start to wind down and all the big projects and papers are due. But he will perservere -- only four more weeks to go! (Which, incedentally, is also the amount of time before we fly to SLC for Christmas!)

Also, I'm gonna be studying hard for the GRE, which I take mid-December. I'll apply for graduate school starting at the beginning of the year for next fall, so I better get cracking!

Well that's pretty much it. The baby keeps growing - when he got weighed and measured a week and a half ago he was 25 1/2 inches and 14 1/2 lbs. And I'm almost positive he had a growth spurt this week so he's just gonna keep on truckin'! Also, we go in for a check-up to see about his neck so we'll keep you updated. We've noticed that things are getting a lot better so hopefully the doctor will agree.

Here's some more pictures from Halloween:

Baby and Mommy

Just having a good time

Baby and Daddy

Poor guy - so exhausted after a long night of trick-or-treating!

After Ken and I had divvied up the candy. My stash is on the bottom - I totally got the best stuff.

Well, until next time!


  1. oh my gosh!!! you seriously have the cutest baby ever... and there you are using him to get candy! you're brilliant!!!!! and i love the movies, how are you making them! i want to be just like you! the gre!! Jen, what can't you do!!!

  2. That costume is to DIE for!! Man I love that little guy!
